Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.
-Marilyn Ferguson

This award stems from Foster Hope’s desire to empower at-risk youth. It is our hope that students who have experienced adverse childhood events will grow and develop into healthy young adults and find future success. Our focus is on at risk youth in our service area. We want to help make that future success a little easier to attain for youth in our communities.

As a merit based award, our criteria are simple:
1. A successful applicant will be enrolled in an accredited WI school.
2. A successful applicant will possess a High School Diploma and have a 2.0 GPA, or higher.
3. A successful applicant will have overcome an adverse childhood experience.

The award details and application are available below. Email the completed packet to: fosterhopewi@gmail.com, or mail to 910 W 8th St, Marshfield, WI 54449
Further instructions are attached to the printable application.`
DEADLINE: under review